Update on Microdata?
Léonie Watson
2018-03-26 23:30:17 UTC
Chaals and Danbri,

Could you give the WG an update on your timeline to Rec? Thanks.
@LeonieWatson @***@toot.cafe Carpe diem
Chaals Nevile
2018-04-09 10:10:43 UTC
Sorry for the long delay.

I anticipate having a little time to work on this at the end of next wee=
k. =

With any luck we are fairly close to requesting CR, so if I do turn out =
to =

have enough time we should get there. We have pretty substantial review =

already, but there are a couple of loose ends to tie up, as I recall.


Post by Léonie Watson
Chaals and Danbri,
Could you give the WG an update on your timeline to Rec? Thanks.
-- =

Chaals: Charles (McCathie) Nevile find more at https://yandex.com
Using Opera's long-abandoned mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Is there really still nothing better?
Léonie Watson
2018-04-16 09:40:43 UTC
Post by Chaals Nevile
I anticipate having a little time to work on this at the end of next
week. With any luck we are fairly close to requesting CR, so if I do
turn out to have enough time we should get there. We have pretty
substantial review  already, but there are a couple of loose ends to tie
up, as I recall.
Thanks Chaals. I assume the CR exit criteria will be the standard W3C
requirement for at least two independent implementations for each feature?

Do you have tests and/or a draft implementation report?

Post by Chaals Nevile
Post by Léonie Watson
Chaals and Danbri,
Could you give the WG an update on your timeline to Rec? Thanks.
@LeonieWatson @***@toot.cafe Carpe diem
Chaals Nevile
2018-04-26 04:28:16 UTC
Post by Léonie Watson
Chaals and Danbri,
Could you give the WG an update on your timeline to Rec? Thanks.
We've closed out the last issues: https://github.com/w3c/microdata and I=

am ready to request publication of a Working Draft now.

We think the spec is ready for CR. In particular, we have had implemento=
following it closely, and a lot of the work has been to bring it closer =
what is already implemented interoperably. We expect to demonstrate that=

there are multiple implementations, both in readily available parsers an=
in widely deployed consumer tools such as the webmaster tools offered by=

Google, Microsoft and Yandex to chec microdata for schema.org.

As shown by the common data crawl there is a large amount of microdata
deployed on the web - primarily using a small handful of vocabularies wi=
schema.org being the major use case. It is used in both small and large

Microdata is pretty weak technically in key areas like
internationalisation, but we have actively discussed this and got review=

and, I believe, sign off on our approach from i18n, apa, as well as revi=
by the privacy working group.

In order to prepare for CR I will request formal sign off from those
groups, and prepare a set of tests - as noted elsewhere in the thread,
Gregg Kellogg has done a lot of work in this direction already.



-- =

Chaals: Charles (McCathie) Nevile find more at https://yandex.com
Using Opera's long-abandoned mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
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