Coralie Mercier
2018-06-14 12:30:43 UTC
Dear Advisory Committee Representative,
Working Group and Community Groups who signed up to meet (bcc’ed),
Registration for TPAC is now open:
TPAC 2018
22 - 26 October 2018
Cité Centre de Congrès de Lyon
Lyon, France
**Chairs, please be sure to remind participants in your groups to register.
We will seek additional information from Chairs closer to the meeting regarding audio visual needs and other requests.**
Please read carefully the information below:
There is a daily registration fee. The per person, per day fee is:
Early Bird rate (until 31 Jul): EUR 92 (EUR 110 with VAT)
Standard rate (until 30 Sep): EUR 135 (EUR 160 with VAT)
Late/on-site rate (starting 1 Oct): EUR 170 (EUR 205 with VAT)
This year we are creating an Invited Expert Fund to help support Invited Experts who participate actively in W3C groups and who request financial support to attend TPAC. We hope attendees recognize the value of supporting IEs and will agree to a nominal 5% fee addition to the above rates, however there is the ability to opt out.
As in the past, registration is a two-step process:
1) A WBS form for meeting and dietary information
2) A payment system
For more information about registration fees and the payment system, see:
Please note that registration is not complete until payment has been made.
W3C has arranged discount room rates from 20/21 (check-in) until 26 October 2018 September (check-out)
with different hotels.
As usual we strongly recommend you to make hotel reservations before the end of the summer period.
For booking tips and more information about hotels, see:
Plenary Day 2018 (Unconference)
Plenary Day 2018 consists of unconference breakouts for TPAC participants.
We invite attendees to suggest breakout sessions via the wiki:
Group Meetings / Advisory Committee Meeting
Group Meetings Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:
* 08:30-18:00: Traditional Group face-to-face meetings
* 12:00-14:00: Lunch (each group will determine their lunch time)
This year again we have scheduled the AC Meeting towards the end of the day from 15:00 to 18:00 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We hope this will minimize the likelihood of conflicts with group meetings.
Remote participation
Working/Interest/Business Groups may request telephone access for remote participants. This year again, we plan to use MIT's webex system.
If you plan to attend the Advisory Committee Meeting remotely, please let us know on <***>.
IRC will be available for all meetings.
For any questions, please contact <w3t-***>.
With kind regards,
Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Marketing & Communications
Coralie Mercier - W3C Marketing & Communications -
mailto:*** +337 810 795 22
Working Group and Community Groups who signed up to meet (bcc’ed),
Registration for TPAC is now open:
TPAC 2018
22 - 26 October 2018
Cité Centre de Congrès de Lyon
Lyon, France
**Chairs, please be sure to remind participants in your groups to register.
We will seek additional information from Chairs closer to the meeting regarding audio visual needs and other requests.**
Please read carefully the information below:
There is a daily registration fee. The per person, per day fee is:
Early Bird rate (until 31 Jul): EUR 92 (EUR 110 with VAT)
Standard rate (until 30 Sep): EUR 135 (EUR 160 with VAT)
Late/on-site rate (starting 1 Oct): EUR 170 (EUR 205 with VAT)
This year we are creating an Invited Expert Fund to help support Invited Experts who participate actively in W3C groups and who request financial support to attend TPAC. We hope attendees recognize the value of supporting IEs and will agree to a nominal 5% fee addition to the above rates, however there is the ability to opt out.
As in the past, registration is a two-step process:
1) A WBS form for meeting and dietary information
2) A payment system
For more information about registration fees and the payment system, see:
Please note that registration is not complete until payment has been made.
W3C has arranged discount room rates from 20/21 (check-in) until 26 October 2018 September (check-out)
with different hotels.
As usual we strongly recommend you to make hotel reservations before the end of the summer period.
For booking tips and more information about hotels, see:
Plenary Day 2018 (Unconference)
Plenary Day 2018 consists of unconference breakouts for TPAC participants.
We invite attendees to suggest breakout sessions via the wiki:
Group Meetings / Advisory Committee Meeting
Group Meetings Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:
* 08:30-18:00: Traditional Group face-to-face meetings
* 12:00-14:00: Lunch (each group will determine their lunch time)
This year again we have scheduled the AC Meeting towards the end of the day from 15:00 to 18:00 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We hope this will minimize the likelihood of conflicts with group meetings.
Remote participation
Working/Interest/Business Groups may request telephone access for remote participants. This year again, we plan to use MIT's webex system.
If you plan to attend the Advisory Committee Meeting remotely, please let us know on <***>.
IRC will be available for all meetings.
For any questions, please contact <w3t-***>.
With kind regards,
Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Marketing & Communications
Coralie Mercier - W3C Marketing & Communications -
mailto:*** +337 810 795 22